How I reached Over 10k Impressions in Less Than 21 Days on Pinterest

Yes, you heard me. I, effortlessly, got over 10 000 impressions on Pinterest in my first 21 days of using the platform, as a creator! If you are coming here, as a micro creator from Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Etsy, or WordPress, you can probably agree that you may have not seen these numbers, in the first 21 days, of your journey on those platforms. Why is Pinterest different? And, did you know you could use the Pinterest algorithm to drive traffic to those other platforms we mentioned earlier?

My Graph, during the first 21 Days, that I used Business Pinterest as a content creator.

Why Even Use Pinterest?

As a content creator, Pinterest is literally my new best friend! When I realised I could be using Pinterest to funnel traffic to my blog, it all suddenly clicked! I felt foolish for not considering the platform before! And that’s not all! Pinterest can drive traffic to other platforms, like YouTube, TikTok, Etsy & more! A whole world I didn’t consider before!

Let me break it down for you. Pinterest is a visual search engine, kind of like Google, but it is also a social media platform, like TikTok and Instagram! So what does this mean? Trust me, it is not as complicated as it sounds, in fact, both work in your favour!

The fact that Pinterest is a visual search engine allows you to gain impressions, without having an audience! Yup, I have gained these 11k impressions with only a few followers – and one of them is me…This means you don’t have to be completely social media savvy to use the platform! You can be as unpopular as me, and still gain traffic and impressions 😉

But wait! I said it is also a social media platform! What does this all mean? It means, unlike your typical search engine, Pinterest has followers! Which means you can start building an audience! An audience that you can go to and direct  your latest content. Pinterest is also a growth platform! So unlike, Instagram, you could have no followers and still get 1000s of impressions! And keep tight, one day those impressions will convert to followers! It’s all about content!

So this all sounds great! But how do we get there? Before late-May, I hadn’t used Pinterest as a creator, only as a consumer. So yes, I had a Pinterest Account, but what I needed was a Business Pinterest Account. And that is Step 1, create your Business Account!

Pinterest Business Account

If you haven’t got one already, you should start with creating a business Pinterest Account! And you don’t want to convert your personal Pinterest Account into a Business one!

Let me explain. The business account provides you with a clean slate, and allows you to focus on creating content specifically for growth! Your Personal account may have pins you’ve saved from 5 years ago, its distracting from the content you want people to see! Plus, having a separate account, allows you to use your Personal Account to save what you want, like recipes, hairstyles, tips for social media. You could almost use your Personal Account as a research account for your Business one. While keeping your business account clean and sorely focused on the content you’re creating!

Just Get Started

Tip number 1 is literally just getting started! I know it can seem overwhelming and confusing at first, but honestly, the best way to understand how Pinterest Business works, would be to use it! Think about your brand for a second! Whether you are an influencer, YouTuber, blogger, TikToker, or whatever… Think of the type pf content you would like to create on Pinterest, in order to gain interest, and drive traffic to your other platforms.

Pinterest consists of Pins which are “pinned” to Boards, Basically your Pins are your content (posts) and your Boards are your topics! Create about 5 to 10 Pinterest Board Ideas based around your niche topic that you know you can consistently create content on.

For inspiration, my current Pinterest Boards include, Health (where I post daily affirmations,) Photography Ideas, Nail Aesthetic, and Food Ideas. Although I have a list of at least 10 Board Ideas for the future, which may include Pinterest Growth Tips and a Travel with Me, all topics I am interested in expanding.  My Blog niche is a Lifestyle blog, therefore my Pinterest niche topics are pretty broad, and I am allowed to create a range of content. Decide what your niche is, if you haven’t already, and start posting relevant content, it can be about hair, nails, outfits/fashion/clothing, food, travel, and art, or anything! That is the beauty of Pinterest!

Consistency & Pin Types

Next we have consistency! Because of course, it is the key to growing on any platform! But, we need to remember that you cannot just spam a platform with random content and hope to gain a massive following! We need to look at strategic content creating! Pinterest has different types of Pins that serve different purposes; we have Standard Pins, Idea Pins, Product Pins, and Video Pins. I grew using only Standard and Idea Pins, therefore, I will mostly speak on these two.

A Standard Pin is typically your favourite trait of your new best friend Pinterest! This is where you add your links! This is where you direct traffic to your Blog, YouTube channel, TikTok or Etsy Account! A standard pin consists of a Pin Image (I use Canva to create mine) as well as a Title, Description, and link section. It is important to note that standard pins aren’t known to generate growth, they may result in outbound clicks, but don’t worry if the standard pins receive less impressions. It is how the algorithm works!

Now, an Idea Pin is like Reels on Instagram, but for Pinterest, these generate growth and an audience! Creating Idea Pins with content that your audience would like to see will result in them following you! Create trust with your audience with consistent high quality content! Now, Idea Pins are great for growth, and typically receive a lot more impressions, but that doesn’t mean your Standard Pin won’t perform well! Honestly more people will click the link than follow you, but if you link has monetary value, then it is exactly what you want!

Keyword Research & SEO

Okay, now we have more of an idea of what Board Topics to focus on, and what type of pins to use. Now we got to touch base, and focus on SEO and Keyword Analysis! Trust me! It is a lot less complicated than you think!

Keep reading, and see how you can gain access to my Free Resource Library, where I have created a PDF based on Popular Ideas on Pinterest!

Basically, if keyword analysis scares you, I got you, with a list of keywords that I know are popular on Pinterest that I thoroughly researched myself! But basically, yes, keyword research is important.

SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimisation, is simply knowing how and where to apply keywords to let Pinterest know what you are about! It is not that scary! I will be creating more content on SEO on Pinterest (as well as for other social media platforms) so stay tuned!


Follow these tips and tricks and you surely will gain 10k impressions, there is no reason why you can’t gain more than 10k in 21 days. Get consistent; create the right content, and watch as you grow on Pinterest, and eventually, other platforms! Use Pinterest to promote and direct traffic to your YouTube channel, TikTok account, Blog or website, Affiliate links, or Etsy Products!

Make sure to follow me on Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest for more tips, tricks and information!

Click here to access my Resource Library. I post monthly free resources to help grow your accounts on social media!

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